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아래는 조지아주 귀넷카운티 (메트로 애틀란타 지역중 하나)에서 Marriage License를 발급해주는 규정입니다. 귀넷카운티 법원 홈페이지에서 옮겨온 것에 약간의 번역을 덧붙였습니다. 각 주마다, 각 카운티마다 다른 규정이 적용될 수 있음을 유념하십시오.

Marriage licenses may be obtained at the Gwinnett County Probate Court - Vital Records Division Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Please check for holiday closings. Gwinnett County Probate Court - Vital Records Division is located in the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center, 75 Langley Drive, Lawrenceville, Georgia.

If you do not read or write English, please bring a translator, as there are none in the Probate Court. (영어를 모르면 통역자를 동반하십시오) Both the bride and groom must appear in person to apply for the marriage license. (아내와 남편될 사람이 직접 방문해서 결혼허가증을 신청해야 합니다)

If either party is a resident of Georgia, application for the marriage license can be obtained in any Georgia county and the marriage can take place in any county of Georgia. (둘중 한 쪽이 조지아주 거주민이면 어느 카운티에서나 결혼허가증을 얻을 수 있습니다.)

However, if neither party is a resident of Georgia, the application must be made in the county where the marriage ceremony is to be performed. (두쪽 모두 조지아주 거주민이 아니면 결혼식이 치루어질 카운티에서 결혼허가증을 얻어야 합니다)

The Georgia marriage license is good indefinitely for marriage ceremonies performed only in the state of Georgia. (조지아 주 내에서 결혼식을 하는 경우에만 유효합니다) We would ask that you try to use the license within one year from the date of purchase. (가능하면 결혼허가증이 발급된지 1년 내에 혼인을 하십시오)

Effective May 1, 2007, an applicant for a Marriage License shall provide to the court at the time of application one of the following: (2007년 5월1일부터는 아래의 (a), (b) 중 한개의 서류를 제시해야 합니다)

(a) a certified copy of your birth certificate and photo identification issued by a state or federal government entity that has not expired; (출생증명서 인증본과 주정부 또는 연방정부가 발행한 유효한 신분증명서, 사진이 있는 것)


(b) a valid passport from any country. (어느 나라에서 발행된 것이든 유효한 여권) 

In the event a person requests that the name on their marriage license be different than what is disclosed above, he/she must bring legal documentation, which shows his/her name has been legally changed. (이름이 변경된 경우 개명을 증명하는 법적인
서류를 갖고 오시기 바랍니다)

If the applicant presents a certified copy of his/her birth certificate and the birth certificate is in a language other than English, then the applicant shall attach to the certified copy of his/her birth certificate a copy of the birth certificate translated to English by a certified translator, i.e. the applicant shall present to the court a certified copy of the birth certificate in foreign country and a translated version of the birth certificate in English indicating that the translation was done by a certified translator. The certified translator shall include on the translated document the certified translator's name, address, phone number, and certification credentials. (공인 출생증명서가 외국어로 되어 있는 경우 공인된 번역자가 번역한 번역서류와 함께 제출해야 합니다)

If either party has been previously married and divorced within the last 12 months, they must present an original certified copy of their divorce decree. (어느 한 쪽이 지난 12개월 내에 결혼하고 이혼한 적이 있으면 공인 이혼서류를 제출해야 합니다)

Women who have had their maiden name restored to them in a divorce must have their name changed on their I.D. before coming to Probate Court. (신부가 이혼후 자신의 결혼전 이름을 회복했으면 그 회복된 이름이 새겨진 신분증을 갖고 와야 합니다)

Georgia code reads that in applying for a marriage license, a man and woman who certify on the application for a marriage license that they have successfully completed a qualifying premarital education program shall only have to pay a $16.00 fee for the marriage license. The premarital education shall include at least six hours of instruction involving marital issues, which may include, but not be limited to conflict management, communications skills, financial responsibilities, child and parenting responsibilities, and extended family roles. The premarital education classes shall be completed within 12 months prior to the application for a marriage license and the couple shall undergo the premarital education together.

The premarital education shall be performed by: (1) A professional counselor, social worker, or marriage and family therapist who is licensed pursuant to Chapter 10A of Title 43; (2) A psychiatrist who is licensed as a physician pursuant to Chapter 34 of Title 43; (3) A psychologist who is licensed pursuant to Chapter 39 of Title 43; or (4) An active member of the clergy when in the course of his or her service as clergy or his or her designee, including retired clergy, provided that a designee is trained and skilled in premarital education. Each premarital education provider shall furnish each participant who completes the premarital education required by this Code section a notarized Certificate of Completion, which the original must be presented at the time of application. This certificate can be obtained by the Probate Court if needed. The premarital education provider can also issue the couple a letter on the facility letterhead, with complete name (both signed and printed), address, telephone number, and all pertinent information that would appear on the Certificate of Completion (Couple's Name, Beginning and Ending Date of classes, and Total Number of Hours). There will be no exceptions. If the couple chooses not completed a premarital education class, the cost of a marriage license will be $51.00. Marriage licenses can be paid for in the form of cash, personal check, or money order.

Sixteen and seventeen year olds may receive a marriage license only when either the biological or adoptive parents of the underage applicant appears in person and presents a certified birth certificate of the underage applicant showing both parents names on the birth certificate. They also must provide valid identification and consent in writing to the marriage. Marriage licenses are issued when the consent is obtained. The cost of the marriage license will be $16.00 with the certificate of completion for the premarital education classes or $51.00 should the couple choose not to attend these classes.

A certified copy of your marriage certificate may be obtained at the Gwinnett County Probate Court as soon as the marriage license has been returned to the Probate Court by the officiant. You may come into the office any time Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Please check for holiday closings. Or, you may send in a written request to the Gwinnett County Probate Court, Vital Records Division, 75 Langley Drive, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30045, ATTN: Marriage License Department. Your written request should include the full name of both the bride and groom as they appear on the marriage license and the date of the marriage. Indicate also, how many marriage certificates you need.

If one of the parties will be changing their last name to their spouse's last name, you will also need to purchase a certified copy of the Marriage Application. (결혼 후 자신의 성을 배우자의 성으로 바꾸려는 경우에는 결혼허가증 신청서의 공인사본을 신청해야 합니다) The Social Security Administration requires this. If you will be filing for naturalization or citizenship status through INS, please indicate on your request that you need one blue signature certificate.

The cost for each certified marriage certificate is $5.00. The cost for each certified application is $5.00. Payment can be in the form of cash, personal check or money order. You may send cash at your own risk. You must also include a stamped, self-addressed envelope back to yourself with your request.

If you should have further questions, please call the Probate Court at 770-822-8250.

Getting Married at the Gwinnett Courthouse - You can get married at the courthouse Monday to Friday from the hours of 8:30 am to 5:00 pm with no appointment necessary in the Magistrate Court.

* 이 규정에 나타난 것처럼 조지아주의 규정은 유효한 여권을 요구하고 있습니다. 그래서 불법체류자라는 사실이 조지아 주에서 결혼허가증을 얻는 데 장애가 되지 않는 듯 합니다. 

그런데 오늘 우연히 두 분의 방문자를 만났는데,

오전에 만난 분은,
"귀넷 카운티 법원을 방문했더니 담당자가 올 1월부터 규정이 바뀌었다면서 합법적인 체류증거를 갖고 오지 않으면 결혼허가증을 발급해줄 수 없다고 해서 하는 수 없이 네바다 주에 가서 결혼을 하고 왔다"고 했으며,

오후에 만난 분은
"불법체류자인 내가 귀넷 카운티에서 결혼허가증을 신청하고 발급받는 데 아무런 어려움이 없었다"고 말해주셨습니다.

(2008년 10월 31일 작성)

제목 날짜
조지아 주 귀넷카운티의 결혼에 관한 규정과 실제 사례   2008.10.31