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US Employers

국토보안부의 보도자료입니다.
이민세관단속국의 단속활동을 통해 거둔 "실적"을 "자랑스럽게" 발표한 것입니다.

불법체류 외국인을 고용해온 음식점 주인이 국토보안부 (US DHS) 이민세관 단속국 (ICE)에 적발이 되었습니다. 8개월간 연방 교도소에 수감되는 징역형을 받았습니다. 외국인들이 취업자격이 없는 또는 불법체류자인줄 알면서도 저임금으로 고용을 해서 부당한 이익을 챙겼다는 이유에서 입니다.
켄터키주 라그란지 시티에 있는 점보 부페라는 식당입니다. 그 주인인 Fei Gui Tang 은 미국 시민이 아닙니다. 영주권자인지는 모르겠습니다. 그래서 8개월의 수형 생활이 끝난 후에는 이 주인을 대상으로 하는 추방재판이 진행될 듯 합니다.

고용주가 외국인을 고용시 불법체류자 인지 모르고 고용했다가 ICE에 적발이 되면 몇 백달러나 몇 천달러의 벌금을 내면 풀려날 수 있습니다. 그러나 불법체류자인줄 알면서 고용하는 것은 매우 심각한 벌금이나 징역형까지 받게 됩니다.

아래는 국토보안부의 보도자료 원문입니다.

News Releases of US CIS, January 7, 2009

The owner of a LaGrange restaurant was sentenced Tuesday to eight months in federal prison following his guilty plea to knowingly employing illegal aliens. This sentence resulted from an investigation conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Fei Guo Tang, 38, of LaGrange, Ky., is the owner of Jumbo Buffet located at 1218 Market St. in
LaGrange. He was sentenced Jan. 6 by U.S. District Court Judge Charles R. Simpson III, Western District of Kentucky, to eight months in prison for employing illegal aliens at his restaurant.

Tang was also sentenced to serve three years of supervised release following his release from prison. Tang had pleaded guilty to knowingly employing at least 10 illegal aliens at his restaurant between November 2006 and November 2007 for commercial advantage and financial gain.

He was arrested Nov. 14, 2007, when ICE agents executed a search warrant at his restaurant. During the search warrant ICE agents seized about $59,000 from the restaurant, which will be forfeited to the United States, and detained six illegal aliens found working at the restaurant, who have since been deported.

ICE agents initiated the investigation in December 2006 after receiving credible information that illegal aliens were knowingly being employed at the Jumbo Buffet restaurant. Tang is not a U.S. citizen, and will be subject to deportation proceedings after he completes his prison sentence.

"ICE aggressively targets employers who egregiously violate immigration laws by knowingly employing an illegal alien workforce," said Jerry Phillips, resident agent-in-charge of the ICE office of investigations in Louisville.

"This case demonstrates firsthand how ICE agents use our investigative tools to pursue those
who take advantage of illegal labor for personal profit, and to gain an unfair advantage in the business marketplace."

Since it was established in 2003, ICE has dramatically enhanced its efforts to combat the unlawful employment of illegal aliens in the United States.

In 2008, ICE made more than 1,100 criminal arrests tied to work-site enforcement investigations. Of those charged criminally in these types of cases, 135 were business owners, managers, supervisors, or human resource employees.

In addition to the criminal arrests, ICE also took 5,100 illegal aliens into custody on administrative immigration violations during worksite investigations.

To help employers build a legal workforce, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security established an initiative called the ICE Mutual Agreement between Government and Employers, or IMAGE. IMAGE is designed to build cooperative relationships between the government and businesses, strengthen hiring practices, and reduce the unlawful employment of illegal aliens.

The initiative also seeks to gain greater industry compliance and corporate due diligence through enhanced training and education of employers. ICE
encourages employers to review the IMAGE program materials available at: www.ice.gov.
제목 날짜
Kentucky restaurant owner sentenced to 8 months for employing illegal aliens   2009.01.08
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무자격자 고용시의 고용주 책임   2008.11.04
고용주는 I-9 Form 을 작성하고 보관해야 한다   2008.11.04
미국에서 합법적인 취업자격을 나타내는 서류들   2008.11.02
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